Datawarehouse Fundamental Questions
IT applications
and differences between OLTP and OLAP?
1) OLTP (Online Transaction
Purpose: Day-Day business storage
Process: Front-End, Back-End process
a) Data: Less data
b) Model: Noramlized model (more tables,smaller
c) Joins: More joins (So retrieval it is slower)
d) Access Frequency: High [Milliseconds to seconds]
e) Volatality: Volatile [Read, Ins, update, Delete]
2) OLAP(Online Analytical Processing)
Purpose: For analysis and mining
Process: Layered architecture
a) Data: More data
b) Model: DeNoramlized model (Less tables, complex
c) Joins: Less joins (So retrieval it is faster)
d) Access Frequency: Low [Day/week/month...]
e) Volatality: NonVolatile [Read]
What is
Datawarehouse [Single line] and warehouses available in the market?
Hige storage area and which is suitable for decision
Ex: Teradata,Oracle,Sqlserver,Sybase,Netezza,
GreenPlum etc...
between OLAP and BI?
BI is a process which uses OLAP approach to gather,
convert and present the data.
between Analysis and Mining?
Analysis talks about 'current understanding of data'
and 'past analysis of data', where as mining talks about 'future prediction of
Note: Datamining is a knowledge analysis and discovery
How many types
of decision making available in IT?
a) Strategic-- Past analysis [OLAP data]
b)Tactical--Current and recent [OLTP]
between OLTP and ODS?
OLTP holds realtime data where as ODS holds near real
time data[daily 4 times from OLTP]
ODS helps in
two ways >
a) Input to DWH
b) Incase enterprise database [OLTP] fails, it acts
like enterprise db and continue operations.
Note: All top companies use ODS in the ETL flow.
OLTP similar
a)Operational Systems
b)Enterprises databases
c)Business Processing Systems
d) Transactional systems
Can you
describe an End-End typical ETL Flow?
How many life
cycle does a DWH project need?
Three life cycles a)ETL b) Semantic c) Reporting
Famous DWH life cycles: Agile, iterative incremental
[Block approach], V model
Explain Inmon
Characterstics/ Principles?
Inmon Characterstics:
a) Subject oriented: Store data
based on operation but not application.
Ex: Savings coount subject area
Application2 : a)Withdraw b)deposit
Subject Area: withdraw+deposit single area
b) Integrated: Integrate from
diverse applications by eliminating inconsistencies and following standards.
c) Nonvolatile: No change of
data. [Don't modify the data] Helps to maintain history.
d) Timevarient: Data store
base on timeframes [granularity load / grain]
We can perform the below operations easily.
a) Current understanding
b)Past analysis
c)Future predictions
What is
granularity and which grain your project has?
Granularity talks about the level of data maintaining
in the project. Dwh has multiple tables with multiple grains.
Always the lowest grain has lot of burden but improves
analytical performance.
Ex: Day/ week/month etc.. grains Day grain is
recommended for better analysis
What is
datamart and how many types available?
DataMart--Data sub
store for specify business/ operation / functioality May or not not be a subset
of DWH.
Three types of datamarts
a)Dependent-- DWH created
first and then datamart [subset of DWH]
Ex: ICICI DWH, Savings account dependent datamart
b) Independent-- Directly
created from source systems [we don't use DWH here]
Ex: ICICI employee payroll System [No history, not
much analysis required]
c) Logical Datamart--It is replica
of another data mart
How do we
create datamarts practically?
a) By using Complex Views [Materialized views]
--Dependent DM
b) By using a complex table --Depedent DM
c) By using a seperate physical storage area
--Independent DM
How many types
of DWH approaches available, which approach your company following?
Two approaches
a) KIMBal approach--Datamarts->
DWH [Bottom up approach]
b) Inmon approach-- DWH
-->Datamarts [Top down approach]
My company using KImbal approach for DWH
implementation because of dynamic decisions and adhod requests.
How many types
OLAP available, which is effective?
Analytical Processing
It creates aggregates(sum,avg, max,min
stddev,covarience etc...) for decision making.
ROLAP: Relational
OLAP--Data and aggrgates in the relation are [OLTP area]
Latency time less [fresh data anlysis]
Slower analysis
Minimal set up
Ex: Smal, Medium
Multidimensional OLAP-- Data and aggregates in mutidimensional area[ Cube]
Adv: More and detailed analysis this is helpful
Latency time is high [ fresh data analysis is not
Complex set up
Ex: Corporates
HOLAP:Data in
relational area and aggreagates in multidimensional area [cube]
Ex: Latency time avg
Avg set
Desktop OLAP: Here the data
and aggregates on PC based desk top applications
Ex: Excel, LOtus, FoxPro,VISICALC etc...
Explain Time
Night-->Month-->Quarter-->half Year(Semister)-->Year
You have two
databases with same size, then dow do you identify which is OLTP or OLAP?
Normalized model is OLTP, Denormalized model is OLAP
Need of Data warehouse?
1)To Analysis of data and history maintenance.
2)Companies require Strategic information to face the
competition in market.
3)The Operation system are not designed for strategic
4)To maintain history of data for whole Organization
and to have a single place where the entire data stored.
What is data
warehousing and Explain Approaches?
Many companies follow either characteristic defined by
W.H.Inmon or Sean kelly.
a)Inmon definition
Subjected Oriented, Integrated, Non Volatile,Time
b)Sean Kelly definition
Seperate, Available, Integrated,TimeStamped,Suject
Oriented, Non Volatile, Accessible
c)Dwh Approaches
There are two Approches
1.Top Down by Inmon
2.Bottom Up by Ralph kimbal
Inmon approach:Enterprise
datawarehouse structured first and next Datamart created.(TopDown).
Ralph kimbal:Datamart
designed first, later Datamarts to Datawarehouse designed.(BottomUp).
What are the
responsibilities of a data warehouse consultant/professional?
The basic responsibility of a data warehouse
consultant is to ‘publish the right data’. Some of the other responsibilities
of a data warehouse consultant are:
1. Understand the end users by their business area,
job responsibilities, and computer tolerance.
2. Find out the decisions the end users want to make
with the help of the data warehouse.
3. Identify the ‘best’ users who will make effective
decisions using the data warehouse
4. Find the potential new users and make them aware of
the data warehouse.
5. Determining the grain of the data.
6. Make the end user screens and applications much
simpler and more template driven.
What are fundamental stages of Data Warehousing?
a)Offline Operational Databases -
Data warehouses in this initial stage are developed by simply
copying the database of an operational system to an off-line server where the
processing load of reporting does not impact on the operational system's
b)Offline Data Warehouse - Data
warehouses in this stage of evolution are updated on a regular time cycle
(usually daily, weekly or monthly) from the operational systems and the data is
stored in an integrated reporting-oriented data structure.
c)Real Time Data Warehouse - Data warehouses
at this stage are updated on a transaction or event basis, every time an
operational system performs a transaction (e.g an order or a delivery or a
booking etc.)
d)Integrated Data Warehouse - Data warehouses
at this stage are used to generate activity or transactions that are passed
back into the operational systems for use in the daily activity of the
What is Datamart Explain Types?
It is a specific Subject area or Functionality or
Task. It is Designed to facilitate end user Analysis.
Wrong Answer-- It is a subset
of warehouse
Types of Datamarts
Dependent, Independent, Logical.
Dependent: Created from
Datawarehouse as a seperate physical store.
Independent :Created
directly from operational systems to a seperate physical store.
Logical: Exists as a
subset of existing Datawarehouse.
Data Model Fundamental Questions
Q: What is Data Model?
Ans: Modeling the data. Arrangement of data inside database.
Q: What is the purpose of data model?
If we don't arrange properly data inside database, it may not be useful up to the mark.
So, arranging data helps to retrive faster (reporting and analysis happen faster)
and reduces storage time (load time decreases).
Q: How do you differentiate whether a field is textual / measurable?
Textual attributes do not support aggregate operations, where as measrable attributes support.
Q: How many types of data models available?
There are types of models
a) E-R Model (Normalization model)
Usage: OLTP systems follow Normalization methodology
Terminology: Entity, attribute, primary key, foreign key etc...
Entity--> Is an object which is differentiated to another object.
Entity holds textual and measuable information.
Ex: Product: prid(int) pname(char) pcode(int) pcost (decimal) psales(decimal)
Organization: orid(int),orname(varchar),orincome (decimal),orgrowthper(int)
Textual info: prid,pname,pcode, orid,orname
Measurable info: pcost,psales,orincome,orgrowthper
Relationships: 1-1: One entity related to another
1-Many : One entity related to many other
Many-Many: Many entities related to many other
b) Denormalization Model (Dimensional model)
Usage: OLAP, DSS and BI applications
Terminology: Dimension, Fact, [composite] primary key, surrogate key etc...
Dimension: Holds only Textual info
Fact: Holds only Measurable info
Relation Ships: Star schema,snow flake schema, Hybrid scheme and Galaxy schema.
Q: What is dimension and explain dimension table features?
Dimension is a textual attribute. If you keep set of textual attributes, then it is a dimension table.
a) Master table
b) Contains primary key
c) Answer for textual questions such as What, Where, When, Why etc...
d) Rare change table
e) Direct load table
f) More columns [wide table]
g) Less rows
Q: What is Fact and explain Fact table features?
Fact is a measurable attribute.
It has two sections a) Foreign key references from dimension b) Measures
a) Child/ Trnsaction table
b) Contains composite primary key (with set of foreign key combination)
c) Answer for Measurable questions such as How much, How many etc...
d) Frequently change table [based on the business]
e) InDirect load table [a) Dimensions verification first b) Fact load]
f) Less columns
g) More rows and years and years [Deep table]
Q: What is surrogate key and where do we use?
It is a unique values key which is generated by the technical people in BI projects.
So, we call it as BI Key / DWH Key.
a) Contain unqiue values
b) Values may be populated from database sequence generation method or manual algorithm
c) Non change of values
Real time usage:
a) In fact table to reduce record identification complexity
b) In dimension table to reduce the natural primary key changes affect in the fact table.
Q: What kind of relationships we can establish in dimensonal model?
a) Star schema : Fact table surrounded by dimensions
b) Snow flake schema : fact surrounded by dimensions and dimensions having sub dimensions.
c) Mixed schema / Star Flake schema: Combination of star and snow flake
d) Galaxy schema / fact constellation schema : Multiple fact tables share common dimensions.
Q: How many types of dimensions available ?
a) Conformed
b) Junk
c) Degenrated
d) Role playing
e) Dirty
f) SCD--Slowly Changing Dimension
Q: How many types of facts / measures available?
a) Fully additive
b) Semi additive
c) Non additive
Q: What is Factless fact table?
Q: What is cube and explain the advantages?.
Q: Which model you are using in the project?
My project DWH model is Galaxy or star flake, where my application is in Star schema/ snow flake.
Q: Usually how many dimensions connected to a fact table?
10-15 dimensions.More than this need more joins and decreases performance at the time of retrieval [ reporrting and analysis takes time]
Q: On what basis you identify the business analysis?
Fact table basis.
If the fact table holds sales data, then it is Sales analytical system.
If it holds shipping data, then it is Shipping analytical system.
SSIS Interview Questions ( Simple, Medium and Complex)
Q: Which
edition of MSBI is used by the companies?
Ans: Business Intelligence Edition
Q: What is
Ans: It is Integration of three services[ETL,
Windows Admin,Sqlserver Admin]
Q: What is
the previous component of SSIS?
Ans: DTS[Data Tranmsformation Services]
version differences.
Q: How many
engines does SSIS use and explain the operations?
Ans: Two engines SSIS use a) SSIS Runtime
Engine--Starts when pkg starts
2) Data Pipeline engine--Starts when DataFlow
Task Starts
Q: What is
inmemory process?
Ans: DataFlow opertation is Inmemory process.
It retrives source data into
SSIS internal memory (inmemory) and perform
operations (options) and loads from the memory to Target.
Q: What is
Solution, Project and Package?
Solution--Is a container for one or more
Project--Collection of packages and related
Package--Collection of tasks and containers.
Q: Whare the
components a package has and explain in single line?
It has five components.
a) Control flow-- controls various tasks and
containers with precedence constraints
b)Data Flow--contains sources, targets and
c) Event Handler--Perfoms action based on
d) Parameters--Similar to variables but take
user interaction, helpful in catalog deployment
e) Package Explorer--Single view of all
components inside package
Difference between control flow and data flow?
Ans: COntrol flow is the brain of apckage and
controls various tasks and containers.
It has ETL,WindowsAdmin and SqlServer Admin
Data flow is a component inside control flow
and it is heart of ETL process.
It transfors data from sources to destinations
by doing operations.
Difference between Variable and Parameter?
a)Take value and support user interaction at
b)Scope is across package
a) Take value and does not support user
b) Scope at Package/ Container/ Task Level
c) Variables of two types 1. System Defined
2. User Defined variables
Q: What is
the difference between System defined and User defined variables?
System defined variables crated by the system
at the time of package creation
Store under System namespace.
Generally they hold Audit information
No Scope
Ex: Execution Time,Package Name, User Name
User defined variables crated by the user.
Store under User namespace.
Generally they hold user information
Three scopes a)Package b)Container c) Task
Ex: Numeric value 10
String Value MSBIClass etc...
Q: What are
the extensions of Solution, Project,Package, Paramter and connection Strings?
Solution: .sln
Project: .dtProj
Package: .dtsx
Parameter: .param
Connection Manager: .conmgr
Q: When do
we Miscellaneous folder in SSIS?
Ans: Generally Business Docs, LLDs, and other
credential docs are maintained here.
Difference between COntainer and Group?
Group is logical object which hold tasks and
No properties associated to group.
Groups are ungrouped.
Container is physical object which hold tasks
and containers.
Properties associated to container.
Containers support only deletion.
Q: How do
yopu identify package and task functionality easily?
Ans: By using naming conventions and
annotations[detailed descriptions]
Q: How many
ways we can execute package ?
Ans: 8 ways [Materail]
Q: How many
colors a package uses?
Ans: 5 colors
White--Ready to execute
Q: How many
types of files SSIS support
Ans: 4 types a) Flatfile b)Excel c) XML d)
Raw file
Note: Refer to material for explanation
Q: What is
CSV file and how do you open it?
Ans: Comma Seperated Value file, we open in
two ways
1. Flatfile 2. Excel
Q: How do
you use csv file in SSIS?
Ans: Flatfile source
Q: Which
extension of flatfile data you get mostly?
a) txt--text file
b)dat--data file
c) out--output file
d)csv--comma seperated value file
Q: What is
delimiter and explain some dlimiters?
Ans: Data seperator is delimiter.
Ex: , | : $ & @ LF CRLF etc...
Q: What is
Ans: Carriage return[First char of a line]
line feed/ forward [New line]
New line first character--Enter key
Q: How many
types of flatfiles avaulable?
Ans: Two types a) Fixed length b) Delimiter
Q: What is
TextQualifier, how is it helpful?
Ans: Qulifies the text with some indicators.
Ex: 'vinay'--single quote is text qualifier
Q: How many
settings we need to know before processing flatfile?
Ans: 7 settings [ refer to material]
Q: What is
codepage, which code page is useful in realtime to process all types of data?
Ans: Encrypted charset is codepage,in
realtime Unicode or UCS [2/4/8] suitable.
Q: Data
loading how many ways in real time?
a) Truncate and load
b) Incremental load [it is of three types
1.Direct incremental 2. SCD load 3. CDC Load]
Q: What is
Delta Load?
Ans: Differentiated records load is delta
Q: What is
Ans: Slowly changing dimension for
implementung actions for new and modified records.
Q: What is
And: Change Data Capture for taking sources
changes and doing some actions. Source changes are Inserts,updates and deletes.
Q: Can you
give alternate terminologies for source, target, import and export?
Ans: Source--> Data
Target-->Desintation/ Data consumer/ Data
Q: Can yopu
explain me Dataflow task features briefly?
Ans: Moves data from source to destination.
Uses internal buffer while processing [in
memory process]
Each data flow task initiates one Execution
Tree internally.
Q: Why
DataFlow task runs faster than all other tasks in SSSI?
Ans: Seperate process [in memory process] and
seperate engine.
Q: What type
of default datatypes dows a Flatfile and Excel take?
Ans: Flatfile take : DT_STR Excel ake:DT_Wstr
Q: What is
FastParse option in flatfile source?
Ans: Ensures faster compilation or validation
incase of date and numeric columns.
If we don't mention this option at flatfile
source, but you specified to one of the column as DT_I4, then every value
validated for numeric evalution.
Q: What is
the diff between External and Output cols?
Ans: External cols are source cols, where the
propertie should not be modified. Output cols are columns passed to the next
component,where the properties could be modified.
Q: Why SQL
command option is helpful to process source data?
Ans: We will get required columns and rows
from single or multiple tables. Reduces network traffic, burden and load.
Q: How do
you identity Buffer Size?
Row Size * No of rows
Row Size: PID(INT),
PNM(Char(30)),PLOC(char(30)): 4 + 30+ 30=64 Bytes
10000 rows: 10000 * 64 --Buffer Size
Q: Which
language does SSIS support?
Ans: It has its own language, i.e Integration
Services Language
Difference between DT_Dtr,DT_Wstr?
Ans: Dt_Str is ASCII based so code page
required to convert where as DT_Wstr is unicode based so no code page is
Q: What is
transform and how many types available?
Ans: Intermediate operation between
components is called transformation.
[Ex: Sort, Merge, Aggregate etc...]
The component which implements this is
Two types of transforms a) Synchronous b)
Differences between Synchronous and Asynchronous transforms?
a) Source and target record counts mostly
b) Transform is non blocking [blocking of
memory not happened]
c) No seperate execution thread in the
execution tree
Ex: Data conversion, Derived column, Oledb
a) Source and target record counts mostly
b) Transform is blocking [blocking of memory
Blocking is of two types a)Partial blocking
b) Full blocking
c) Seperate execution thread in the execution
Ex: Sort, Merge, Union, Union All, Aggregate
Q: Give me
examples for Full and Partial Blocking Transforms?
Full blocking --Sort, Aggregate etc...
Partial Blocking -- Merge, Union, Union All
Q: Could you
tell me sort transform properties?
Q: How many
ways we convert the data?
a) Data conversion transform
b) Expressions (DT_I4,Dt_Str etc...)
c) Source level/ target level directly
[Advanced tab/ Show advanced editor]
Q: When do
we go for Transform and when do we go for expression?
Ans: If there is an expression editor, take
Type cast expression. Otherwise take transform.
Q: How many
operations does aggregate transfor perform?
Ans: Seven--Sum,Avg,Min,Max,Count,Count
Distinct, Group
Q: How do
you identify that Derived column Transform is required?
Ans: If the business logics need to be
implemented on every row.
Q: How do
you merge rows in SSIS?
Ans: Union all,Marge and Marge Join
Difference between Union all and Merge?
Ans:Refer to notes
Q: What is
the basic protocol to merge rows?
Ans: Input structures should match.[No of
cols and order of data types]
Q: What do
you mean by sort key position 0, 1, 2?
1-->First column sorting
2-->Second column sorting
Ex: PNM,PLOC,PID, need PLOC indescending and
PNAME in ascending.
Q: When do
we go for Joins?
Ans: Joins help to get multiple columns from
multiple tables.
Q: What is
Join type?
Ans: The type of relationship you establish
between multiple objects [usually between two objects]
Q: Do we
have right join in SSIS?
Ans: Merge does not have right join but if we
swap and perform left join, then it is right join.
Q: How many
merge/ merge joins/ union all required for joining 4 inputs?
Union All: Only one
Merge: N-1: 3
Merge Join: N-1: 3
Q: For every
input record I would like to do one SQL operation (specially update), which
transform required?
Ans : OLEDB command
Q: How do we
present OLEDB complaint parameters?
Ans: ?
First ?: Parameter 0
Second ?: Parameter 1
Third ? : Parameter 2
Q: How do
you process MVS or mainframe / cobol files data in SSIS?
Ans: Unpivot transform
Q: How look
up is different from Merge join?
Read for differences material
Lookup=Merge inner join + unmatched handling
+ Cache mechanism
Q: When do
we go for Full cache, Partial Cache and No cache?
Ans: No cache-- Fresh data / Live data lookup
Full Cache-- If the lookup object not
changing frequently
Partial Cache--If the lookup object changing
Q: What is
the advantage of cache? and What it is?
Cache prestores data so reduces the burden
and traffic on the object.
It is a file, saved with .caw.
Q: Lookup
two basic rules to operate?
Ans: a)Lookup object
b) Condition
c) Return columns
Q; What are
the lookup objects supported in SSIS?
Ans: Table/ Cache File
Q: Incase of
no match in the lookup what happens?
Ans: It allows to do either of the four
a) Fail component b)Ignore failure c)
Redirect to No Match d)Redirect to Error Output
Q: Incase of
multiple matches, which match it returns?
Ans: First Match
Q: What is
the structure of unmatched data?
Ans: Similar to source
Q: What kind
of difference you find when you go for No cache,Full cache and partial cache?
No cache--> More burden, more traffic,
more time
Full Cache-->Less burden, Less traffic,
less time
Partial Cache--> Avg burden, Avg traffic,
Avg time
Q: If the
cache size increased or more, what is the impact of it and how do you reduce?
More cache size leads to more time operation
and more storage operation.
To take required cache, then write a
customized query in the lookup transform or adjust the memory in the advanced
use result of sql query: select did,dnm from
dept where did in (10,20,30)
Q: What is
the default join of Lookup?
Ans: Inner join
Q: How do we
implement left join using lookup?
Ans: Using the below option:
ignore failure
Difference between Fuzzy lookup and normal lookup?
Fuzzy lookup: Similarity match on string
Normal lookup: Exact match on numeric, string
and date values
Normal lookup gives required return columns,
where as fuzzy lookup additionally gives three columns
[Confidence, Column similarity, Row
Q: What is
Ans: For every column system assigns a unique
ID, i.e Lineage ID.
Q: How do we
export multiple flatfiles / images into a table column for auditing?
Ans: Import Column Transform
Q: How many
you have developed till this date?
Ans: I never constructued script for my
applications, they are created by the script developers.
I know how to call and use methods and
Q: What is
the difference between script component and script task?
Ans: Script task available at control flow,
script component available at Dataflow.
Script component has source, target and
destination options.
Q: What is
the meaning of Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success?
Ans: It returns success state message to
Package.It the system not reaching this statement means there is a problem in
the script.
Q: What is a
script hierarchy?
Ans: Namespace-->Class-->Method/Variables
Q:How do you
control the tasks execution?
Ans: By using precedence constraints
Q: Explain
constraints of SSIS?
Ans: a) Success b) Failure c) Completion
(either success / failure)
Q: How many
Precedence options available in SSIS?
Ans: Four options
a) Constraint b) Expression c) Expression and
constraint d) Expression or constraint
Q: Whatis
logical and in precedence constraint?
Logical Ans -ensure all precedence conditions
Q: How do we
pass parent package variable easily in SSIS?
Ans: By using execute package task
Q: What do
you mean by Execute Outofprocess true?
Ans:The package runs seperately with its
process or execution threads
Q: Can you
give some examples of Execute Process task?
Ans: a) Unzip/ Zip folder b) Software or
patches iinstallation c) Working with windows commands and powershell objects
e) Reuable components (.dll,.com) f) batch file operations (.bat)
Q: How do
you ensure file existence and continue with process?
Ans: By using WMI event watcher task
Q: How do
you ensure how many applications running now?
Ans: WMI Reader Task
Q: How do we
identify current memory statistics?
Ans: WMI Reader Task
Q: What is
Task host container?
Ans: Every task itself is a container Ex:
DataFlow: It has set of sub components and features
Q: How do
you transfer sql server objects from one instance to another?
Ans: Transfer tasks
Q: How do we
process SSAS objects in SSIS?
Ans: There are four tasks
a) Script task b) Analysis Services
Processing Task c) Analysis Services Execute DDL task d) Execute Process Task
Q: What task
helps to load dimensions and facts in SSIS?
Ans: Analysis Services Processing Task
Q; Which
task helps to create/ modify objects in cube?
Ans: Analysis Services Execute DDL Task
Q: What is
Hitcount in SSIS?
Ans: It is used in the BreakPoint level to
control the number of hits.
Q:How do
customers provide dummy files/ actual files for your Loading?
Ans: They keep in FTP Server
Q: How do
you pass your pkgs, unit test docs etc... to customer?
Ans: There are different projects different
ways, but in my current project we keep them in FTP server.
Q: How do
you call web method in SSIS?
Ans: By using WebService Task
Q:What is
logging and advantages of it, how do you implement in your project?
Capturing log information (package components
execution statistics) at specified events is called as logging.
In my OLD project(version 2008 R2) we used a
custom database to log.
In latest project (post 2012) we are using
existing catalog database logging.
a) Identify the execution process
b) Identify errors and rectify
c) Identify performance issues and eliminate
d) To identify regular intervals running and
load statistics
Q: What is
Ans: The object which holds / captures log
info is called as Log Provider.
Ex: Log Provider for File
Log Provider for table
Q: How do
you implement restartability in SSIS?
Ans: Checkpoint mechanism
Q: What is
checkpoint mechanism?
Implements restartability by keeping the
stopped or failed point.
Q: What are
the checkpoint options available?
a) Checkpoint filename
b)Checkpoint usage
c)Save Checkpoints
Q: Can we
take checkpoins and transactions in a single package?
Ans: NO, the reason is both are independent
and contrary operations.
Checkpoint move forward where as Transaction
Q: What is
the service does transaction use?
Ans: DTC--Distributed transaction coordinator
Q: What is
Ans: Set of tasks executed like a single
request, if all tasks executed successfully, then trnasaction is successful
oterwise transaction fails and rollback the previously succesful tasks.
Q: How many
transaction options available?
Three options
a) Supported--Joins to the existing
b) Required-- Joins if exists or starts new
c) Not supported--Will not participate in the
transaction process
Q: How do we
implement transaction coding wise?
Using Begin Transaction and End transaction
statements in the programming and query languages.
Q: How do we
run packages without SSDT?
Ans: Using commandline utilities a.DTEXECUI
b.DTUtil c.DTEXEC d.
Q; How do we
call packages in .Net Program?
Using the command DTExec.exe with the below syntax.
DtExec.exe\Dts [Refer to 105page]
Q: What is
configuration and how many configurations SSIS has?
Configurations are important package settings
[such as Sourcem, Target connection strings, Databases,Paths etc...] and user
external values.
SSIS has 5 configurations
a) XML File
b) SqlSever
c)ParentPackage Variable
d) Environment Variable
e)Registry Variable
Q: What is
deployment and how many models available?
Ans: Moving the packages and relevant files
from one environment to other environment is called
There are two ways
a) Legacy approach--Package Deployment [Since
b) Modern Approach--Project Deployment [Since
Q: How do
you implement Package deployment and how many modes available?
Package by package deployed in this model.
a) Need to have Manifest file
b) Use manifest file to deploy into File
System [to a Folder deployment] or Sqlserver [SSMS-->IS].
Q: What is
manifest file?
Ans: The file which has deployment settings
[Packages, config files and other files]
Q; How do we
deploy requried packages?
Ans: Three ways
a) Open manifest file and remove the
unnecessary packages
b) Remove packages from deplopyment folder
c) Exclude packages at solution expplorer and
then Build->Solution
Q: Major
differences between Package and Project deployment features?
Package deployment + Versioning + Catalog
Logging + Parameters and Environments
Q: How do
you implement project deployment?
a) Prepare Catalog Database
b) Deploy from SSDT
Q: What
types of data loadng you have in the project?
Ans: In my DWH, there are hundreds of tables
and multiple types of loading.
a) Direct Lod (Truncate and Load)
b) Incrmental Load (Direct b/ Delta Load)
c) Incrmental Load (SCD)
d) Incremental Load (CDC)
Q: How SCD
is different from CDC?
Source changes carry forwarding is called as
CDC [Inserts,updates and deletions]
SCD handle new and old records by doing
Insert and Update operations.
Q: Which SCD
method you use most in real time?
Depending on table situation we go for SCD
Some tables are Non history, Some tables are
full history and some are partial history.
But I found mosty SCD date process for
analytical reporting purpose.
Q: Explain
about SSIS Isolation Levels?
There are 7 options for this setting.
Unspecified: A different isolation level than
the one specified is being used, but the level cannot be determined. Huh? I
think that’s just another way of saying that the isolation level isn’t set for
this container but that it is set for the package, or container that the task
resides in.
Chaos: The same as ReadUncommitted but it
checks the isolation level of pending transactions during a write operation so
that transactions with more restrictive isolation levels are not overwritten.
ReadUncommitted: Does not lock so a
transaction can read uncommitted rows (dirty read).
ReadCommitted: Can only read records from
committed transactions and issues a lock during the read. However it does not
prevent records from being added, deleted or changed which can allow for a
repeatable read (phantom read).
RepeatableRead: Locks are held until the
transaction completes. It also means that the transaction cannot read data that
has changed but has not been committed (ReadCommitted).
Serializable: Locks the entire data set until
the transaction completes. It guarantees that the result set does not change
during the transaction
Snapshot: The transaction takes a snapshot of
the read at the beginning of the transaction. As such, data will not change.
This property cannot be set for a package. It is an available option but it
throws an error.
What is Report?
Data display component with visuals is called report
Visual/ Visulizations: Chart,Matrix,List,Map etc...
What is SSRS,
similar tools?
is a report generation tool.
Similar tools are Cognos,BO,Tableau,Qlikview,Crystal
reports,Panorama,Jasper, Microstrategy,OBIEE, Hyperion etc...
How many types
reports generated in the market?
) OLTP report
Business Processing Report
Ex: Movie ticket
Payment Vochure
Tools: Light weight reporting tools
Ex: OracleD2k,Jasper,Crystal reports, SSRS etc...
b) OLAP Report
Decision support (Stategic and Tactic)
Ex: Last year last four months sales vs this year last
four months sales comparison
Every even month sales groth comparison for the last 5
Tools: Heavy weight tools
SSRS,Cognos,BO,Hyperion,Microstrategy,Tableau,Qlikview etc...
What is the
generic reporting life cycle steps availabe?
Three steps
a) Authoring phase
Here we focus on design, layout, look and feel.
Even we focus on Data Source,Dataset and logics
b)Management Phase
Which servers
can hold the reports and with what kind of security.
c) Access and delivery phase
Does does
customers can access the reports(either Pull Model/ Push Model)
What is push
Delivering the report in the specified format to the
specified people in the specified mode (Email/ Shared folder)
Scheduled approach/ subscription approach
What is Pull
End users go and get their required format from the
report server. (Manual fetch of reports)
What is
Delivering the report in the specified format to the
specified people in the specified mode (Email/ Shared folder) in a stipulated
Ex: Need a report in PDF format before 5AM in my
What is Report
Ans: Report delivery format is report rendering.
Report render formats: PDF, Excel, Word,
HTML,MHTM(Mime HTML) etc...
What is report
item and report region?
Report item is single cell holder (Ex: Textbox, Line,
Image, Place holder etc...)
Report region is multi cell holder (Ex: Chart,Matrix,
List etc...)
What are the
report data sources available, what is report data source?
Data feed/ Data input to the report is Data Source.
Analysis Services
SAP Netviewer
ODBC --complaint applications (Excel...)
Data source takes connection to the source
[Ex: Servername, credentials]
What is
Subset of data source data is dataset.
Dataset takes a) query b)View c) Procedure to bring
columns in the report.
What is drill
through reporting?
One report to another report navigation is drill
What is Drill
Down report?
With in the same report navigating based on expansion
and collapsion.
Top down and bottom up hierachical analysis in the
Coutry expand states display, states expand cities
display etc...
What is
BookMark reporting?
Moving to the corresponding area in the same report
based on action (click)
What is
parametrised reporting?
If user interaction provided to the report, then it is
paramterized report.
Ex: Giving location specification to a report to go
the correponding location.
SSRS History?
2005-SSRS introduced
2008--Many changes to SSRS [ Architecture, IIS
independent, new visualization, Internet protocol change]
2008 R2--New visualizations added [ Map, Indicator,
databar, Sparkline] Shared Dataset introducued.
2012--Look and feel [Sleek], Sharepoint Mode many
changes. Native Mode: Shared data source added
Sharepoint Mode: Power view, Power Pivot added.
Dashboards added.Cards, Tiles visualizations added. The SSRS model is
Project Cresend Model.
Which mode of
SSRS runs faster?
Ans: Shrepoint mode. In this mode all components
installed in Sharepoint Server. Sharepoint server is one of the fatest running
server service .
Hence it is recommended.
What do you
mean by repory deployment / publishing, what is the use of it?
Reports moving from development to server area for end
user access. This process is called as deployment/ publishing.
What is report
The data which you use in the report is called report
Data source
Data Set
SSRS important
Three important components
a) Report Server:
Heart of SSRS.
Reports stored and retrived by using this component.
This is for Developers and DBAs.
b) Report Manager:
This is brain of ssrs.
To manage, schedule, secure the reports this is
It is flexible to Developers, Support, DBAs and
Clients [End uSers]
c) Report Server Databases.
These databases contain system defined tables, which
store metedata of reports [Data about data]
Ex: For a report metadata is colors, items, fonts,
data sources etc...
There are two types of databases
a) Permanent DB
Stores report definitions, data items ,credentials,
history etc...
b) Temporary DB--Stores temporary calculations,
caching informations, sessions info etc...
Q: How many
reports you schedled as a developer in your 3 years of exp?
As developer i never involved in scheduling.
Q: Have you
created any procedure or view for your report?
Small company: Yes, I created
Large: No, Sql Development Team used to provide that
Q: Which type
of data retrieval into report is recommended and why?
Ans: Procedural retrieval is better in report
a) Precompiled so during report operations it won't
b) Preplanned --Execution plan is generated.So at
runtime it will not generate a plan
c) Changes at database level are independent to the
[Ex: Column name change or length change or any
metadata change]
Q: Tell me some
of the reporting commands?
Ans: .rs, .rsconfig , .rskeymgmt, .rsactivate etc...
Q: How many
ways we create reports?
a) SSDT (Wizard and Project)
b) Report Builder --Repoprt Manager
c) PowerView--Sharepoint Mode
Q: Which method
mostly used to create reports in real time?
Ans: SSDT--Report Server Project
Q: Can you tell
me the Sql Query which you used in the projects?Either simple/complex?
SELECT D.StateName, D.StateSpatialData, P.*, PA.EMAIL,
Note: Here Spatial data, party data and address info
displayed based on Joins.
Q: Difference
between View->Properties and Format Menu?
Format menu has limited features and non customized
Where as View->Properties having many features with
customized options.
Q: How many
ways we create dataset?
a) Using shared dataset
b) Embedding in a report --Exclusive for the report
Q: In which
version Shared Data Source and Dataset introduced and why?
Ans: Sqlserver BI 2008 R2 in the replacement of Report
Q: How come
View->Properties is different from TABLIX properties?
Ans: Tablix properties talks about data and management
where as View->properties talks about formations.
Q: How do you
display report classfification information in multiple worksheets with their
actual names?
Group on
partylo,partloc->view->properties->group->Page Name:
Q: What is
Ans: Unique value for every row
Q: What is Mod
Ans: Produces either 0 or 1
Q: What is Mod
Ans: Produces either 0 /1/2
Q: Diffrence
between IIF and Switch?
Ans: Single condition eveluation--IIF, Multi condition
Q: What do you
mean by "nothing" in SSRS?
Q: How many sub
reports you can create in a main report?
Ans: No restriction, but if the no of inner reports
increase performance decreases.
Q: What is
subreport can you give a real time example?
Ans: Report inside another report is called subrport. Displaying
All managers information with their location statistics.
Q: When do you
go for Gague item?
Ans: One value pointing in a range
Q: When do you
gor Indicator?
Ans: Value indication through image/icon
Q: When do you
go for List?
Ans: Freeform reporting [Any kind of design, look and
Q: How do you
create side title report?
Ans: Using List
Q: What is
parameter? How many types available?
Ans: Parameter prompts user values. They are of 5
a) Manual entering / no value default
b) Non queried paramters --Predefined values
c) Queried Parameter--Values from a query
d) Cascaded Parameter --One parameter output is input
to another parameter
e) Multivalues parameter--Allow users to select all /
required parameter values
Q: How do you
filter dataset data with parameter?
a) Goto query-> Put where cluase and filter
b) Goto Filter section-> take condition
Q: IF dataset
not fetching data, please display "NO MATCH FOUND"
Ans: Highlight the region->properties->No rows
message: "NO MATCH FOUND"
Q: How do
customers choose all locations?
Ans: Multi valued parameters
Q:How do you
display default value always?
Default values->Specify Value: HYD
Q: Create a
process where the user has to enter multiple values (not cascaded), if all
values are set then only report should display.
a) Create multiple independent parameters and use in
the main dataset
b) Create a procedure with multiple parameters and
pass values to the procedure at dataset.
Q. How many
days you took to create a report?
Ans: Different sizes of reports and accordingly the
time. Usually days to weeks. But, for the dash board reporting we took months
(3-4 months)
Q. Have you
used filters in Realtime? In which situation?
Ans: From the same dataset columns different no of
rows to fetch filter is helpful. To do this we need to have parameters in the
Q: What is
Report Model, what it contains?
Ans: Report model is a reuable set of columns, which
help in dynamic and faster reporting. Initially it was for Report Buider.Latesr
versions this is replaced by Shared Dataset and Shared dataSource.
Q: What is the
usable of report builder?
Ans: For dynamic/ adhoc/ customer friendly quick
reports generation tool.
Q: Difference
between SSDT and Report Builder?
Ans: Report builder has additional features such as a)
Direct publishing in the report server b) Report Part
Q: What is the
usage of report manager?
Ans: It is suitable for Developers,DBAs, Support
resources and Customers with different operations.
Q: What is the
purpose of upload file?
Ans: Helps to upload any files but typically reports,
report parts and shred datasets direct publishing.
Q: How many
types of security we have in SSRS?
SSRS has role
based security,Where the role is assigned to multiple users / groups.
a) Website level : System Administrator, System User
b) Folder level / Report Level: Five roles available.
1.Browser 2. Content Manager 3. MyReports 4. Publisher
5.Report Builder
Q: When do we
go for linking of reports?
Ans: If different people need different views of data
(different parameter and security)from the main report, then we go for linking
of report.
Q: How do you
provide link aswell as user prompt for the report?
Ans: In the Report manager->Individual report->Manage->Parameters
Prompt User and then enter some text like (Would you like to see other
Q: What are the
types of subscriptions avaiable? and their purpose?
A) Standard Subscription: Single user delivery [Statis
B) Data driven subscription : Multi user delivery
[Dynamic values]
c)NULL Delivery subscription: It will invoke report
process but do not deliver anything. Introduced for cache refreshment in older
Q: When do we
go for Cache, Snapshot and Live data mechanisms?
Live data:If the data changing during the period
Ex: Sensex 8am-3.30PM [ So make it live at that time]
Cache: Data not changing for sometime, No history and
fast retrieval required
Ex: Movie tickets 11Am Show, seats reserved till 2PM only
Later expired. Cache suitable
Snpshot: Data not changing for sometime, history
needed and fast retrieval required
Ex: Post sensex operation data won't change till
7.59AM. So create snapshot at 3.31PM and move snapshot into hist at 7.59AM in
the next day.
Q: How do you
identify report performance issues?
Ans: Using ExecutionLog views under ReportServer
Q: Frequently
used report and running longer time, how do you avoid the bottleneck?
Ans: If it is Live, then try to make it a
snapshot/cache report
Q: Data source
and dataset issue comes under which phase?
Ans: Retrieval phase
Q:Why do we get
Bytecount and Row count sizes more?
processes query/proc/view wrongly constructured(not optimized)
Q: Where does
history stored in SSRS?
Ans:ReportServer Db->History table
Q: Where does
Snapshot info stored in SSRS?
Ans:ReportServer Db->SnapshotData table
Q: Where does
Cache info stored in SSRS?
Ans:ReportServer Temp Db->ExecutionCache table
Q: Where does
Sessions info stored in SSRS?
Ans:ReportServer Temp Db->SessionData table
Q: Where does
Deployed info stored in SSRS?
Ans:ReportServer Db->Catalog table
Q: How many
users running reports/ how many connected to SSRS, how do you identify?
Ans:ReportServer Temp Db->SessionData table
Q: Where does
Sunscriptions, schedules stored in SSRS?
Ans:ReportServer Db->Schedule table
Q; How do you
identify which user having lock on reports?
Ans: ReportServer Temp Db-->SessionLock table
Q: Who are all
participated if report performance goes down?
Ans:Depends on the issue
a) RS Developers -- Data source,
Dataset,Parameters,Report processing level, Rendering level (Linkings,
Snapshot, Caches)
b) Sql Developers-- Query/ View/ Procedure
c) Sql DBA--Access issues, lock issues, Memory issues
at RS Server
d) Source network adiministrators, Rendering level
systems network administrator
e) MS GS Team--If system behaving stragely (components
malfunctioned /not working properly)
Q: How do you
merge cells?
Ans: Highlight two cells->Rc->Merge Cells
Q: After merging
cell, which output you get most?
Ans: Left cell output
Q: How do you
Split cells?
Ans: Highlight the cell->Rc->Split Cells
Q: How many
ways we deploy reports?
Many ways
a) SSDT: Build-->Deploy
b) RS utility [CommandLine]
c) Report Manager-->Upload File
d) Report Manager: Replace
e) Programmability (.Net Program)
Q: What is
encryption file extension in SSRS?
Ans: .snk
Q: How do we
open other report in the same window?
Q: How do we
take checkboxes at Report Level?
Checkbox has two options: Tick Mark, Cross
Represented with ASCII codes
TickMark: Chr(0254)
Cross: Chr(162) or chr(168)
Compulsary you must take Font as Wingdings
Textbox->Font->Wingdings and write the below
=iif(Fields!Genercode="M", chr(0254),
Q:How to get no
of rows in dataset?
Ans: =count("DatasetName")
Q: Difference
between Normal function and report function?
Ans: Report functions used at header and footer level
Q: Difference between
IIF and Switch?
Ans: IIF is for single condition and switch is for
multiple conditions
Q:How do you
identify Dataset level aggregations?
Ans: Expression editor -->Left handside
-->Datasets feature
Q:How do we
open link in a new window
Q:How do we
print negative numbers?
Two step process a)Format string #,##0.00
b) In the color property =
Q: How do we
take new line in textboxes?
Two ways a)VBCRLF b) By using Chrw(13) and Chrw(10)
Note: At the beginning and ending if you need new line
VBCRLF is an issue
Q:How do we
display no rows message when dataset not showing any data in the region.
Ans: Highlight the region->rc->No Rows
Message->”No rows found”
Q: How do we
print negative values?
Ans: Negative values are represented with minus sign
and red color
Explain about Choose function…
Choose(eid.value,”one”,”two”,”three”,”four”) –english
Displaying only
date from datetime
=FormatDateTime(Today(), DateFormat.ShortDate)
Q: Can I use
report variable/ group variable or a text box value inside dataset?
Ans; No, These come under processing phase and we
can't pass them to retrieval phase
Q: Need a
report which take four params ,if all selected then only report required (not
Create a procedure with params ans pass values through
take three individual params (not related) and use in
the dataset query
Take pie chart.
In the General section, expand the CustomAttributes
Set the CollectedStyle property to SingleSlice
Set the CollectedThresholdUsePercent property to True.
Set the CollectedThreshold property to 10.
In the General section, expand the CustomAttributes
Set the CollectedStyle property to SingleSlice
Set the CollectedThresholdUsePercent property to
Set the CollectedThreshold property to 5000.
In the General section, expand the CustomAttributes
Set the CollectedStyle property to CollectedPie
Set the CollectedThresholdUsePercent property to True.
Set the CollectedThreshold property to 10.
Display Male when true is choose, Display Female info When False choosen.
a) Create parameter
b) Goto Dataset
Where p.Gender= (Case when @ParBool='True' then 'Male'
else 'Female' End)
c) Preview--> True-->View report displays only
Male data
scenarios based on expressions:
a) Not shoing
rows which are having NULLs on Partyname and Loc columns
Highlight the rows section->Row visibility->
Show or hide based on expression->
=iif(Isnothing(partyname) and
isnothing(partyloc),true, false)
Taking check
boxes for values
a) Take dept_valid col and write expression
B) Take another column
textbox properties-> Font: Windings
Expression : iif(partycode<=20,chr(254),chr(168))
Note: 254 is fixed for tick marl,168 is for uncheck
Handling NULL
Take income column values as NULL
Expression :
Showing only
limited columns based on user selection
Parameters: Name: PARBOOL
Data Type: Boolean
columns group section->advanced columns->choose
the columns to hide(by selecting static)->properties: visibility: Expression
: =(ParBOOL="FALSE")
Doing a fuzzy search / similarity search in paramters
select * from party where partyname like
Display the
report data in to muliple excel sheets with names
Do group on Location,(Parent Group)
Show the column headings in all pages,by going to
RepeatOn Newpage: True
KeepwithRowGroup: After
It will show table header in every page]
Fixed Number of Rows per SSRS Report Page
Report, Page--->InteractiveSize---> Height
Change the height properties by 5.5 and you will be
able to show 20 rows per page.
PageBreaks: Between each instance of a group
One option is to generate group rows in sql query, for
this you can use row_number() or to evenly devide you can use NTILE() in sql
query. Based on that group number, you can create a group and set a page break after
each group. So, only 10 rowes will get displayed in each page.
Report, Page--->InteractiveSize---> Height
Change the height properties by 5.5 and you will be
able to show 20 rows per page.
Display Male when true is choose, Display Female info When False choosen.
a) Create parameter
b) Goto Dataset
Where p.Gender= (Case when @ParBool='True' then 'Male'
else 'Female' End)
c) Preview--> True-->View report displays only
Male data
Q: How many
reports generated in your 3 years of exp?
First check interviewer mood and knowledge [Presence
of mind]
I have created and manipulated many reports in the
last three years.
It could be around 40-50.
Q: How many
days you took to create a report?
We have different types of reporting situations and
took time accordingly.
Some of them in a day, in a week, in a month and dash
board kind of stuff months.
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